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[[Category:Weapons and Gadgets]]
[[Category:Weapons and Gadgets]]
[[Category: Red Dot Reticle]]

Revision as of 23:56, 3 September 2023

The Hammerhead is a slug loaded shotgun capable of stunning opponents at close range and lethal headshots at any range.

"A pump-action shotgun. Can attach red dot sights."

Gameplay details

The Hammerhead is equipped by pushing the Front Item or Back Item keybind, assigned to the number one key (1) and the number two key (2) respectively. Fire1, left click, will fire the weapon. Fire2, right click, will aim down sights. Reload, R, will load shells one at a time if there is any spare ammo.

The Hammerhead has a capacity of 6 shells. The balance and energy damage it deals ignores armor. Headshots will always kill at any distance. Players who are standing up will be knocked down by a body shot at any distance.

The shotgun has a steep damage drop off within the ranges of 3 to 20 meters. Health damage starts decreasing at 3 meters, balance damage at 6 meters, and energy damage at about 5 meters. The minimum damage for all three flatline at 20 meters.

The Hammerhead breaks glass in one hit. The handling of this weapon completely ignores balance and energy, making it a good option for rushing. Can equip a red dot sight that enables a focused zoom.

Hammerhead damage
regular with Heavy Armor
body 50 - 35 Health

100 - 51 Balance

100 - 10 Energy

30 - 21 Health

100 - 51 Balance

100 - 10 Energy

head 250 - 175 Health

100 - 51 Balance

100 - 10 Energy

150 - 105 Health

100 - 51 Balance

100 - 10 Energy

Hammerhead stats
maximum range >215 meters
penetration yes; <6.30 meters
bullet tracer no
muzzle flash yes
audible distance >215 meters
muzzle smoke large
bullet impact smoke large
Hammerhead penalties
firing penalty -2 Energy
low energy penalty none
low balance penalty none

Tuning options

Having a load capacity lower than the amount currently in the weapon will allow for the reload animation to be played without effect.


The shotgun is also known as the H2 and sometimes capitalized as "HammerHead".

The Hammerhead was first added to the game on 2019 February 15 as a non-lethal "beanbag" weapon that would knock players over and zap their energy.

The Hammerhead was changed to fire lethal slug rounds on 2021 April 24. Before deciding on slugs there was internal testing of shot loaded rounds that would spread out at a distance. This was seen as too unpredictable and overcomplicated headshot damage multipliers.

The prototype shotgun model had a blue texture with a green flashlight attachment. The prototype shotgun ammo pickup was a similarly blue, standalone shotgun cartridge.


An Intruder idly holding a Hammerhead on Riverside. An Intruder reloading a Hammerhead on Riverside.


Steam Builds

  • Build 1108 - Shotgun is added and fires beanbag rounds.
  • Build 1169 - Shotgun can now be used in custom maps.
  • Build 1900 - Shotgun is now lethal and fires slugs.

Old screenshots

the H2 in-game
Firing the H2
Reloading the H2

Weapons and Gadgets
Holster Panther - Shrike
Primary Manta - Hammerhead - Falcon - Shield

Banana Rifle - Snowball Launcher

General Remote Charge - Banana - Grenade - CS Grenade - Smoke Grenade

Goober Grenade - Bloon Gun - Boxing Gloves

Laser Sensor - Cardboard Decoy - Bush Camouflage - Binoculars - Bloon Cam - Medkit
Red Dot - Heavy Armor - Keycard
Hands - Radio - Lock Pick - Mirror Cam
Ammo Pistol Ammo - SMG Ammo - Shotgun Slugs - Sniper Ammo

Banana Rifle Ammo - Snowball Launcher Ammo