
From Superboss Games Wiki
Revision as of 12:37, 3 May 2017 by Qbopper (talk | contribs) (added entries for all official and featured maps - needs to be fleshed out)
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This article is a stub about Maps. You can help the Intruder wiki by expanding it.

Maps are the levels a game of Intruder takes place on. Anyone can create a custom map using IntruderMM. This page lists all official and featured maps - you can see a list of all maps in the game at the official Superboss website.


One of the oldest maps, Riverside is a briefcase map.


Cliffside is a computer hacking map.


Mountainside is a map that features both briefcases and computers to hack. Intruders can win by doing one or the other - it isn't necessary to do both.


Oceanside is a briefcase map.


Canyon is a briefcase map by Viotech3.


Mountainpass is a map by Viotech3. Unlike other maps, the Intruders begin the match with the briefcase, and must make their way down a straight road past the Guards to win.


Pitcommunications is a briefcase map by Viotech3.