
From Superboss Games Wiki
Revision as of 22:21, 24 August 2023 by DefineBrackishWater (talk | contribs) (side-by-side tables)
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Works in progress for other pages.

Interesting box. Might be more complicated than it needs to be. I worry about it breaking long-term.

This is a test 1234567890

Side by side table proof of concept. Tested to be mobile friendly!

style="display: inline-table;"

Weapon damage
Panther regular with Heavy Armor
body 25 Health

45 Balance

15 Health

27 Balance

head 125 Health

100 Balance

75 Health

100 Balance

Weapon damage2
Panther regular with Heavy Armor
body 25 Health

45 Balance

15 Health

27 Balance

head 125 Health

100 Balance

75 Health

100 Balance

head 75 Health

100 Balance

Weapon damage3
Panther regular with Heavy Armor
body 25 Health

45 Balance

15 Health

27 Balance

head 125 Health

100 Balance

75 Health

100 Balance

head 75 Health

100 Balance

head 75 Health

100 Balance

Work In Progress

Pardon our dust! This page isn't complete yet. Thank you for your patience as we continue to build up the wiki.

The Binoculars are a robust surveillance and communication tool with a further zoom than even the Falcon. They are capable of sending photos to all teammates and have a built-in radio. The "Save" function will store a local screenshot.

Gameplay details

Using [firemode change] will cycle between Send, Radio, and Save. Send will send a picture to all teammates. Radio will activate the radio while holding [fire1]. Save will save a screenshot.

Video feeds will not be sent to teammates and will show the wall behind them.


Steam Builds

U5 Builds

U4 Patches


Binoculars must be picked up by pressing "V". By default, your Binoculars can be accessed by pressing "2" on your keyboard while in game and can be zoomed in by using the Right button on your mouse and by using the Scroll Wheel you are able to zoom in further on and object or player. Using Left Click will cause the Binoculars to preform a variety of actions. you can press "X" to change in-between these actions

  • Actions
    • Send - send a picture of what you are seeing to your teammates binoculars
    • Radio - functions the same way as a radio
    • Save - will save a screenshot of what you are seeing to your PC


The HUD is shown above.


Intruder Spawn binoculars on Mountainside
Intruder Spawn binoculars on Mountainside
Guard Spawn binoculars on Mountainside
Guard Spawn binoculars on Mountainside
binoculars found in Office 2 of Building 1 on Riverside
binoculars found in Office 1 of Building 1 on Riverside
binoculars found in Office 3 of Building 1 on Riverside
binoculars found in Break Room of Building 1 on Riverside
binoculars found in Office 2 of Building 2 on Riverside
binoculars found in Office 1 of Building 2 on Riverside
binoculars found in Computer Lab of Building 2 on Riverside

Weapons and Gadgets
Holster Panther - Shrike
Primary Manta - Hammerhead - Falcon - Shield

Banana Rifle - Snowball Launcher

General Remote Charge - Banana - Grenade - CS Grenade - Smoke Grenade

Goober Grenade - Bloon Gun - Boxing Gloves

Laser Sensor - Cardboard Decoy - Bush Camouflage - Binoculars - Bloon Cam - Medkit
Red Dot - Heavy Armor - Keycard
Hands - Radio - Lock Pick - Mirror Cam
Ammo Pistol Ammo - SMG Ammo - Shotgun Slugs - Sniper Ammo

Banana Rifle Ammo - Snowball Launcher Ammo