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This article is a stub about KeypadProxy. You can help the Intruder wiki by expanding it.

Keypad proxy is a script that can be added as a component to an object. It "unlocks" locked objects, doors, custom doors, and activators


Listing actions of each parameter in order:

  • My custom door: If a custom door is linked, the keypad passcode will be required to unlock the door. (Note: if the door is always locked, you will also need to lockpick it)
  • My door proxy: Similar to "My custom door" Door proxy is an object with the door proxy script as a component
  • Locked object: Any object placed in this parameter will not show up until the keypad code has been successfully entered. The locked object requires the locked object script to be one of its components.
  • My note: The keypad will generate a key code and it will be placed on the note proxy.
  • My activator: The keypad will activate an activator upon successfully entering the keypad code.


Keypad proxy turns any object into a usable keypad (Press interaction key[default "v" key]) to open up the keypad menu

IntruderMM Assets
Items Name
Prefabs BriefcaseProxy - CustomDoorProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - Keypad - Ladder - LockedObject - MortarProxy - Mover Parent - NoteProxy - ObserveCamProxy - Pickup - RandomGunPickup - RandomItemPickup - SecuritySetup - SlidingDoor - SpawnA - SpawnB - WaterLevel - WindProxy - ZipLine - Limits
Scripts ActivateActivator - Activator - AdvancedMaterial - AnimateColor - BriefcaseProxy (Script) - CustomDoorProxy - CustomLevelSettings - CustomMapSkins - DestructibleProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - GravityProxy - HackModeProxy - HideOnStart - IgnoreSticky - KeypadProxy - LayerProxy - LockedObject - MaterialManager - MortarProxy - Mover - NoteProxy - ObjectiveTabSettings - ObjectTagger - ObserveCamProxy - PickupProxy - PlayAudio - ReplaceAll - ResetProxy - ScrollingUVs - SecurityRoom - SecurityScreen - SetTagsAndLayers - SoundSettings - TimedObjectDestroyer - TuningProxy - WindProxy - World Screen Object - ZiplineProxy
Level/Maps Target - SniperRange - Demo