This FAQ is a list of the most frequently asked questions about the SuperbossGames release Intruder
How do I become a tester / get into the Alpha?
By far the most commonly asked question. Testers are handpicked by Rob (RobStorm on IRC) and Austin (AustinRoush) for contributing to the game's community and by showing TMC.
A good place to start is by signing up on the forums and introducing yourself in the 'Introduce Yourself' thread. Hanging out in the SuperbossGames IRC Chat is also a great way to show the devs that you're serious about making the game better. This does NOT mean spamming either of them with PMs and such - JUST DON'T OK?
How does Voice Chat work?
Intruder features two forms of voice chat: handheld radios used for communicating with your team ('F' by default) and local voice chat for communicating with any nearby players, friend or foe ('C' by default). For more info, see Voice Chat
Where are the briefcases?
Press 'M' in-game to see information on the location of the briefcases in each mode.