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Intruder is a tactical multiplayer FPS with a heavy focus on stealth - it's Guards vs Intruders, as both teams attempt to eliminate the other (or, in the case of the Intruders, complete their objective). Using a variety of weapons and gadgets, along with teamwork and skill, players can fight across a variety of maps made by the developers or players.


It might look like the control scheme is overwhelming, but don't worry - we'll break down the important keybindings one by one.


Movement and Character Control
WASD/Mouse Intruder uses a standard FPS control scheme, where WASD moves your character and the mouse moves the camera.
Primary Mouse Fire your weapon, or activate the primary function of your gadget.
Secondary Mouse Aim down the sights of your weapon, or activate the secondary function of your gadget.
Q and E Lean left/right, respectively.
Space Jump.
Shift Toggles crouch on/off.
Alt Toggles prone on/off.
V Pick up an item, or use something (eg. press a button).
R Reloads your weapon. (Enemies can't hear you reload.)
K Play dead - turns you into a ragdoll. You can still speak while ragdolled, but standing back up is noisy and leaves you vulnerable.
Scroll Wheel (Press) Press and hold the scroll wheel while moving to sprint. Uses energy and makes a lot of noise - be careful!
C Push to talk - hold C to speak locally.
F Pulls out your hand radio - use LMB to speak into it. Anyone on your team can hear you in radio chat.
Tab Press to open the hand signals menu. You'll snap your fingers, which only you and your teammates can hear.
Enter Opens the text chat/terminal. Anyone can see chat messages (unless you're dead, in which case only other dead players see you speak).
Misc. Controls
Scroll Wheel (Up/Down) Opens doors. Allows for incremental opening and closing - you can throw a door open with a quick scroll, or open a crack to throw grenades in.
Number Keys and Equals Key Selects equipment/weapons. Tilde (~) holsters what you have equipped.
I Opens the inventory screen, where you can equip anything you pick up.
X Toggles your current item's mode. Only applies to the SMG and Binocs.
Esc Opens the menu.

Console Commands

There are also certain Console Commands that will prove useful while you are playing for different options in the game. For example, you can set your mouse sensitivity by typing something like:

/ms .5

into the chat box. This would set your sensitivity to half the default.