Attach a DestructibleProxy to an object to make it destructible by gunfire.
Life: how many shots it takes to destroy this object.
Particle Effect: if this points to an object with a particle system on it, a copy of that object and its particle system will be created at the location of the destructible proxy whenever it is shot. You may wish to add a Timed Object Destructor to the particle system object to make sure duplicates do not sit around.
Destroy Particle Effect: this behaves the same way as the above particle effect, but only triggers when the object is destroyed.
Pitch: If you place an audio source component on the destructible object, its audio clip will be played when the object is destroyed. X and Y represent the min and max pitch shift of that clip. A value will be randomly chosen between these values and the sound pitched accordingly. As with music, 0.5 represents 1 octave down, 2 an octave up. A value of 1 means no shift at all.