Difference between revisions of "NoteProxy"

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! Property !! Value
! Property !! Value
| Note Message || The message to be displayed. Using the special string "{0}" will show the random 4 digit code associated to the linked [[Keypad]]
| Note Message || The message to be displayed. Using the special string "{0}" will show the random 4 digit code associated to the linked [[Keypad]]. You can also use "[p]" to create separate pages.
| Activate Activator || The activator to be activated when the note is read.
| Activate Activator || The activator to be activated when the note is read.

Latest revision as of 05:11, 11 October 2024

MountainSide's Intruder Sniper Note

The NoteProxy script is included with the Intruder Map Maker. It allows map makers to create paper notes in their maps for players to read and could contain a code for a keypad.

Properties in the editor
Property Value
Note Message The message to be displayed. Using the special string "{0}" will show the random 4 digit code associated to the linked Keypad. You can also use "[p]" to create separate pages.
Activate Activator The activator to be activated when the note is read.
IntruderMM Assets
Items Name
Prefabs BriefcaseProxy - CustomDoorProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - Keypad - Ladder - LockedObject - MortarProxy - Mover Parent - NoteProxy - ObserveCamProxy - Pickup - RandomGunPickup - RandomItemPickup - SecuritySetup - SlidingDoor - SpawnA - SpawnB - WaterLevel - WindProxy - ZipLine - Limits
Scripts ActivateActivator - Activator - AdvancedMaterial - AnimateColor - BriefcaseProxy (Script) - CustomDoorProxy - CustomLevelSettings - CustomMapSkins - DestructibleProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - GravityProxy - HackModeProxy - HideOnStart - IgnoreSticky - KeypadProxy - LayerProxy - LockedObject - MaterialManager - MortarProxy - Mover - NoteProxy - ObjectiveTabSettings - ObjectTagger - ObserveCamProxy - PickupProxy - PlayAudio - ReplaceAll - ResetProxy - ScrollingUVs - SecurityRoom - SecurityScreen - SetTagsAndLayers - SoundSettings - TimedObjectDestroyer - TuningProxy - WindProxy - World Screen Object - ZiplineProxy
Level/Maps Target - SniperRange - Demo