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== Introduction ==
The [[PlayAudio]] script will play a user defined sound. This prefab can work in conjunction with an [[Activator]] when wanting to trigger a sound when '''X''' happens.
This script must be placed on a prefab such as a cube within Unity. By default, the sound or music will not loop unless selected otherwise in the scene editor.
Only certain audio file extensions will work with this script.
{{Template:IntruderMM Assets}}
[[Category: IntruderMM]]
[[Category: IntruderMM]]

Latest revision as of 15:33, 10 January 2020

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The PlayAudio script will play a user defined sound. This prefab can work in conjunction with an Activator when wanting to trigger a sound when X happens.

This script must be placed on a prefab such as a cube within Unity. By default, the sound or music will not loop unless selected otherwise in the scene editor.

Only certain audio file extensions will work with this script.

IntruderMM Assets
Items Name
Prefabs BriefcaseProxy - CustomDoorProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - Keypad - Ladder - LockedObject - MortarProxy - Mover Parent - NoteProxy - ObserveCamProxy - Pickup - RandomGunPickup - RandomItemPickup - SecuritySetup - SlidingDoor - SpawnA - SpawnB - WaterLevel - WindProxy - ZipLine - Limits
Scripts ActivateActivator - Activator - AdvancedMaterial - AnimateColor - BriefcaseProxy (Script) - CustomDoorProxy - CustomLevelSettings - CustomMapSkins - DestructibleProxy - DoorProxy - EquipmentManager - GlassProxy - GoalPointProxy - GravityProxy - HackModeProxy - HideOnStart - IgnoreSticky - KeypadProxy - LayerProxy - LockedObject - MaterialManager - MortarProxy - Mover - NoteProxy - ObjectiveTabSettings - ObjectTagger - ObserveCamProxy - PickupProxy - PlayAudio - ReplaceAll - ResetProxy - ScrollingUVs - SecurityRoom - SecurityScreen - SetTagsAndLayers - SoundSettings - TimedObjectDestroyer - TuningProxy - WindProxy - World Screen Object - ZiplineProxy
Level/Maps Target - SniperRange - Demo