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[[Category:Weapons and Gadgets]]
[[Category:Intruder:Intruder Weapons and Gadgets]]

Revision as of 04:26, 17 December 2015


The Lock Pick is used to open items that are locked, such as doors.


  • Patch Notes
    • No documented changes


By default, you can equip your Lock Pick by pressing '9'. Once equipped, a player can walk up to a locked object and left click the object to bring you to the unlock screen. Using your mouse, you can set the pins to where they correctly need to be. There will be a translucent blue overlay in which will tell you where the pins need to go to be able to open the object. Once you set one the in the proper location, left click again to move to the next pin. After the last pin as been adjusted, the door or object will open. If any pins are not in their proper location after the last pin as been adjusted, the game will set you back to that last pin that isn't correct. If you decide to not want to open the door, simply walk away and the interface will close.


http://i.imgur.com/kSC5zzB.jpg http://i.imgur.com/ZZu2q6p.jpg

Weapons and Gadgets

Weapons and Gadgets
Holster Panther - Shrike
Primary Manta - Hammerhead - Falcon - Shield

Banana Rifle - Snowball Launcher

General Remote Charge - Banana - Grenade - CS Grenade - Smoke Grenade

Goober Grenade - Bloon Gun - Boxing Gloves

Laser Sensor - Cardboard Decoy - Bush Camouflage - Binoculars - Bloon Cam - Medkit
Red Dot - Heavy Armor - Keycard
Hands - Radio - Lock Pick - Mirror Cam
Ammo Pistol Ammo - SMG Ammo - Shotgun Slugs - Sniper Ammo

Banana Rifle Ammo - Snowball Launcher Ammo